Moving Along

Progress on the WIP list!! Even though there were about five instances of this on Simply Woven: I actually got the top all sewn together! It's BIG, a generous twin size, and I just love the colors. I didn't have enough fabric to replace the cut pieces (toddlers, scissors, and quilt tops are a bad combination) so I had to do patch jobs, but hopefully none of them are too noticeable! Basic Math is also done, and looks adorable. I'm going to put it up in the Etsy shop as a modern baby quilt. The Jester costumer is done! Isadora got to wear it last week at the Creepy Museum crawl, and it looks pretty adorable. Hopefully it will be warm enough tonight she won't have to put a jacket on over it. It's hard to put a jacket over those sleeves! I also got started on a knit dress. Of course, I managed to mess up cutting it out, so have to go get more fabric today. It's color blocked, and I cut the wrong section ou...