Candy Heart Complete!

Like scraps? Want some more?? See here! Candy Heart II is finished! It's a Jelly Roll pattern from Pam Lintott's book; I'm pretty sure it's from Jelly Roll Quilts. It's a quick one, and the second one I've made from this pattern. The hardest part of this quilt is finding a jelly roll with exactly the right distribution of colors. I've finished my quilt-picture hanger, too. We've got two of these old out-buildings, and it seemed like a good spot to put up something to get some nice pictures taken, outdoors with decent light. I think I will probably see about taking some of those old remaining shingles down... The back is pieced with leftover pink batiks and marbles. I've tended to use 108 inch wide fabric for backing, since it's easy, but piecing the backing is a good way to eat up that stash (and therefore justify buying more fabric!!). This one is going to go to Isadora's teacher as thanks for all he...