Instagram Finish

I call this one Fall Lines. It's a very quick and simple pattern, obviously. But I love the colors of the batiks used here. (The cat, Juliet, apparently loves them, too. I couldn't get her off the quilt while i was trying to take pictures.) The pattern is from Fat Quarters Anonymous. I had intended to give this one to the church to auction off at the Fall Dinner, but I didn't get it finished in time. I finally got the binding sewn on recently, and wasn't sure where it would go. I decided to give it to my grandmother for Christmas. She was delighted, so that makes me happy. And in fact my grandfather (other side of the family) was there when she opened it, and made a request for a quilt, too. That's now jumped to the top of my priority list. Grandpa is 89, so I'd better get busy. The picture does make me realize that one of my goals for this year is to get my borders to lie more smoot...