Life and other Stuff

It was a fantastic weekend. The weather finally turned, and on Sunday we went up to Sean and Barb's to celebrate Grace and Colin's first communions. It was wonderful - the kids all got to play outside, and the adults got to play with them. :) My Dad loves to play ball, and he was having a blast teaching the young ones the fundamentals of how to swing a bat. I will admit my dear daughter is not the most naturally athletically inclined kid! And we have been remiss in getting her outside to just teach her how to play catch. I did a much better job of getting outside after work this week, too. I need to do it more often - who cares if I don't feed the kids till 7? We're outside, having fun, exercising, getting fresh air. Other random notes - some self portraits in my attempt to make sure that there are actually pictures of me with my kids. I put up curtains in my craft room. I used the ties from Jelly Rolls for...