WIP List

So little time for quilting recently, but that's okay.  Priorities!  Isadora's schooling obviously comes first, so I'm working on a 10-minutes-a-day philosophy on the quilting.  Since I have a couple of commission projects in the works, those are obviously taking priority so my "fun" projects will just have to wait. 

But first up an actual finish!  I'd wanted to get the mantle runner and tree skirt done for the fall dinner, but that just wasn't going to happen, so I finally got some binding done, and this one will get auctioned off. 

Patchwork sky is coming along; I need to make a few more sub-units, but the stars are all finished and I'm making progress.

Paper piecing and ombre!

And reading - I'm actually reading this aloud with my daughter.  I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book when I was in high school.  I've read the whole series several times, and still pick them up from time to time to read favorite passages.  

Recent Finishes:

Layer cake quilt #2


Patchwork Sky

Moda Love quilt - center finished, need to add borders
Ombre tumblers (leader and ender)
McCall's dress
Simplicity dress
Rhombus dance
Mantle runner x2
Magic Spark (Commission #1)

Needs Binding

Kit's USMC Quilt
Teal and Cat
Frond kit - Birds of Paradise
Ombre tumblers (mini)
Angela Walters BOM
Classic Meets Modern

On the Longarm

Top Completed, Waiting for Quilting

Crystal Gems
Moda Building Blocks
Beetle Adventures (mini)
Prism Star
A New View (although I think I'm going to add borders)


Blue and Gold (Commission #2)
Modern Owls
Aurora Borealis
Weaving project 


Fabulous Flowers
Farmer's Wise
Quilter's Patch
QAD Flight Effects (mini)
Four Square (leader and ender)


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