Pinwheel Charity Quilt - FINISHED!

The amazing Jo at Jo's Country Junction does a ton of wonderful work doing long-arm for charity quilts.  After my friend, Natalie, and I purchased our long-arm, we both wanted to help do charity work, so I reached out to Jo to see if she needed some assistance.  She sent along five quilt tops, along with backings and bindings, and Natalie and I got to work!

This first finish is a wonderful, happy, bright pinwheel quilt, made by Sharon Judkins of Hatfield, Arkansas.   (And special thanks to my 11 year old for photographing - she's working on photography for her 4-H projects, and wanted to help out in her own way!)

Natalie did the long-arm work on this one.

 Each pinwheel got it's own spiral, and there are spirals in all the sashing and borders.  Natalie made sure to get a pinwheel in cornerstone, as well.

It was bound in a lovely blue, with the ladies in our local quilt guild stepping up to do the actual binding work.  This one will be donated to Feed the Kids, a local charity.  Feed the Kids supports children in need in our local school districts.  Each Friday, kids in need get a bag of food put in their backpacks to take home to make sure they have food for the weekends.  All money raised by Feed the Kids goes to purchase the food, and local groups all take turns packing the bags and taking them to local schools.  They've expanded their scope to include the summer as well, working with local churches and civic groups to continue to provide food for kids when school isn't in session.  Each fall they hold a dinner and auction fundraiser, and this quilt will be auctioned off on August 28th.

Thanks to Jo for letting us be part of her wonderful charity work!


  1. WOW!! Awesome work girls!!

  2. Great work for a great cause! Bet that quilt will bring a pretty penny!

  3. You ladies will have lots of fun with your new longarm, this quilt is wonderful!

  4. Lovely quilt for some lucky person. Hats off to everyone that helped with the quilt.

  5. Wonderful job and the spirals are a perfect fit for this pattern. Great fabric colors and Bravo to all who touched this quilt to get her done.

  6. You girls made my quilt look so nice! So happy it is going to this great cause. I hope it will make someone very happy. So thankful that there is a resource to get some of the many tops quilted and given to charity. Thank you girls so much. And btw, I live in Hatfield, Arkansas not Alaska!

    1. It's a beautiful quilt, Sharon! Fixed the state - whoops!

  7. What a great story this quilt has. Great work everyone.

  8. Recently I was the comfort quilt chairperson in the quilt guild in the city I just moved away from for 2-3 years. It's such a symphony when several hands pitch in for the completion of one quild or many. And just think, the recipients never know. It was worth being in the guild just to know what goes on behind the scenes. Great job "music makers"! Stephani in N. TX (

  9. Beautiful quilt! Great charitable organization to donate it to! As a fellow Arkansan I like to see our state do its part!

  10. just a great job, spirals look good!

  11. Love the longarm work you ladies are starting out with, I see a lot of work coming your way 😁😁😁. If I may ask, what type of Longarm did you buy? I want to purchase one but have never even tried FMQ on my domestic machine let alone doing anything with a longarm. Any advice would be helpful.

    1. Hi Jeri - we went with a Nolting. We're in Iowa, and they're made less than an hour from my house, so definitely great support and service available! Several of our guild members have Noltings as well, and had nothing but good things to say. We love it so far!

  12. Well done to everyone involved in this excellent project. Lovely quilt, super spirals quilting, great binding, hope the quilt sells for lots of money.

  13. I love doing charity quilts. This one is bright and cheery. Good job.


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