WIP Friday

Summer is flying along, as usual.  It seems there is never enough time to get everything done!  The kids' bedtimes get pushed later and later with the long days, despite my best efforts, and so my after bedtime quilting hour gets shorter and shorter.

I've signed up for two more round robins (what was I thinking?!?) which I love, but do suck up the hours.  It does let me spend some time with hubby in front of the TV, though, so trade-offs!

One of my UFO's is off to find a new home.  Someone on IG was having to sell their favorite fabrics, and I happened to have a UFO out of those very same fabrics.  This one has been on the UFO list for a while.  I have 14 of these blocks finished and a pile of scraps, so hopefully getting this will brighten her day a bit!  And I'm delighted to get rid of a UFO that holds not much appeal and let fabrics go to where they will be loved. 

I finished my mini quilts, and sent them off.  I wasn't thrilled with one of them I got back, but what can you do?  It's obvious she worked hard on it, but the corners on the bindings were poorly done, it doesn't lie remotely flat, and there's a GLARING layout error that you cannot un-see.  I appreciate the effort, though, so I'll try my best to flatten it with the steam press, and hang it on the wall.

Finished HST Mini.  I have plenty of extra charms so am making another one for myself!

Finished RWB mini.  Love this star pattern! 

Another IG friend is making quilts for the families of the sailors lost on the USS FITZGERALD.  As a navy vet, that one hit hard, so I put other things on hold and spent an evening making heart blocks to send along. 

I did some long-arming this month as well.  I finished the MSQC stars quilt, so it just needs a binding.
I also put my Moda Love quilt on the long-arm frame.  I had to take it off mid-quilt, several areas just weren't lying flat at all.  I goofed up doing it, so ended up shorting myself backing fabric, so I'll finish the last row of blocks on the domestic machine.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE how it's turned out so far, though!  Combination of free motion in the white areas and ruler work in the colored blocks.  I had a ton of fun sketching out the plan.  My feathers still need lots of work, but practice makes better! 

It's about time to get a new project started... What to pull off the list???  Something for the fall dinner, I think.  That one comes up so fast every year. 

Recent Finishes 

RWB Mini Swap
HST Mini Swap


Moda Building Blocks 
Barb's Quilt - finished center 16 patches, have the 4 patches inside as L/E
Quilter's Patch - BOM from FQS.  Finished four blocks

Needs Binding

Tilted Squares
Batik Quick Quilt
MSQC stars

Top Completed, Waiting for Quilting

Every Which Way - ready to load 
Mom's quilt - basted
Moda Love quilt - need to finish last row

PB&J four patch  Fat Quarter quick quilt - Black and White batiks 
Frond butterfly quilt  


Social Ladder
Fall Dinner quilt
Triple Barn Star - for Bev 
Aviatrix - stalled, need to get moving on this one! 
Making Modern - Rainbow quilt
Making Modern - Blues


Craftsy QAYG
Fabulous Flowers
Farmer's Wife - should move indoors for the smaller projects...


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