Starry Field

Another Moda Bakeshop  finish!  I love how this one turned out.  It definitely too a while, and is by far the most complex pattern I've done, but I think there are so many possibilities with this one, and I hope that some people make this one and let me know what they've done.

So many stars!  My flying geese ruler definitely came in handy for cutting things out, and proper trimming was absolutely key to this one coming out properly.  All those flying geese - the extra time in trimming was definitely made up in having the squares all come together easily for the final assembly.

Mary, of Round the Bend quilting, fit me in on short notice, and did a great job of it.  A simple all over pattern, based on a small star shape and stippling, worked just perfectly.

I went with a poly batting, since I wanted something very white to keep the color for the background bright, and I love the loft it gave it too.

I had two people handy to do the quilt holding, and grabbed this shot just as the sun was going down. I ended up getting it on my iPhone, as I ended up taking my DSLR out there with no battery.  Even so, I think it might be one of my favorite quilt photos.   I'm not sure where this quilt will end up.  If I don't finish the one I have planned, I may donate it to be auctioned off for the fall dinner at church this fall.  A good finish, overall!


  1. Gorgeous stars - the colours are just lovely, well done!

  2. JUst beautiful - love all the colours on the snowy white!!

  3. The second I saw this it went straight to the top of my to do list!!! You mentioned how helpful your geese ruler was, I'm curious if you would tell me which one you use? Thanks!

  4. I'm really liking the small, medium, large of the same block. Cute!

  5. just gorgeous and I love star quilts. This is going on my 'to do' list and I may use 30's repros that I've been collecting - I think it will be awesome

  6. Interested in making this in a twin size!

  7. Just getting ready to make this gorgeous quilt and I'm slightly confused by the cutting directions for the solids: what does the small inserted '2' mean? For example, as in Cut one 3 in.2 piece. Shorthand for square perhaps. Thanks. Anne Marie


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