My Girl
I met with my daughter's teachers on Friday. They want me to have my girl, my sweet, adorable, bright, exuberant girl, evaluated for ADD. The not unspoken result being, of course, that I medicate her. This would, of course, make her teachers' lives easier. So what if the result is that I manage to teach a sensitive six-year-old that there is something wrong with her? Or that the only way she can function in life is with a pill?
She is not hyperactive - they think it's the 'inattention' type of ADD. Yes, she does have difficulty paying attention. And she does display many of the signs of that type of ADD. But do I believe it is severe enough to classify as a 'disability'? No.
She is not hyperactive - they think it's the 'inattention' type of ADD. Yes, she does have difficulty paying attention. And she does display many of the signs of that type of ADD. But do I believe it is severe enough to classify as a 'disability'? No.
Do I want her labeled at this young age? No. Do I want what's best for her? Yes. But what is that? Do I trust that her teachers will work with me? Do I become one of "those" difficult parents? I just don't know. Do I think she probably needs some changes in how information is presented? Yes. But how many changes can I request before she does have to have an IEP?
All I know is that this little girl is a delight. An occasionally infuriating, frequently entertaining, always challenging, inevitably imaginative, eternally loving delight. And I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS fight for her, and believe in her, and love her, no matter what.
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