
Showing posts from September, 2018

Weekly Works in Progress (although short on the "progress" part...)

School is in full swing, and it's easy to forget how busy this time of year is.  I'm in our local Fine Arts Boosters for our school district.  I'm a huge proponent of arts and music in the school, and my sister is the local high school choir director.  So this is me putting my time and money where my mouth is, but this is a crazy time of year for the boosters.  We have a couple of portable carts at the local university football games, so we have to find volunteers for that.  We made and sold kettle corn at a two day craft fair last weekend.  That happens to be right across the road from my house, so I was there for quite a bit of that.  We sell more kettle corn and biscuits and gravy at the local fall festival, which is this weekend.  And we do a pancake supper at the high school homecoming.  So it's a LOT of rounding up volunteers, and a lot of a core group of us doing a LOT of stuff.  I had to take a half day of vacation yesterday to r...

Weekly WIP

I'm afraid there won't be much sewing this week.  This weekend I have a wedding to go to, and then the family is getting together for our Fall soup-making.  We're only doing 125 quarts this year, though, so hopefully that will go more quickly than usual! I need to get the Morris blocks trimmed down.  I guess I need to queue up my audible book or some Netflix for that; it shouldn't take long once I get going.  I did start making more of the Prism diamonds.  They look so lovely when together - I have a feeling I'm going to love that one! I opened the kit for Winter Garden, and it's basically a panel with borders so I can finish that with any decent chunk of time.  I also broke out the kit for Quill and am going to press those fabrics soon, and get started cutting. Every Which Way is almost done, I hope to finish that tonight.  I need to get the long-arm freed up for a friend.  Shenandoah will be the next one loaded, I think.  Side note - ...