
Showing posts from August, 2014

WIP Wednesday

Big changes here!!! Recent Completions!! High Fashion Ruby, Pearl and Opal Toes in the sand Impromptu WIPs: Farmer's Wife (LONG term project! - 20 blocks completed) Craftsy QAYG quilt (three of twelve completed) Vintage Modern Scrappy Fabulous Flowers Stardust  Scrappy Chevrons At the quilter: Vintage Modern BOM Avalon BOM 2 Lucky Pezzy Top Completed, waiting for quilting: Swoon Mosaic Avalon BOM 1 Planning: Secret Garden (layer cake quilt) Madonna and Child Park Bench BOM Snowbird BOM

Knocking them out

I finished THREE, count'em THREE quilts this weekend!  Yes, I got to sew on THREE of these guys over the weekend. Can you say excited?  Yes, I was quite excited. Binding is my least favorite thing to do, so it was good to be able to pick up three quilts from the quilter, and knock out two of those plus one that has been one my shelf waiting for quite some time.  I am now binding this monster: It's a generous king size quilt. It's actually for my bed, so it will be fun to sleep under one of my creations. The backing fabric, in the picture, is completely unrelated to the front, but it took a lot of fabric for the backing and I found this stuff on special at Ikea.  My new machine is acting up, so I think once this is finished I am going to have to take it to the local repair shop. The electric safety is triggering constantly.  It's easy to clear, but a pain to constantly be turning the machine on and off.  So I will probably try ...

A fresh start

School started around these parts this week.  My girl is starting 3rd grade, and is getting to be so grown up.  She must have grown two inches over the summer - we went through her fall clothes, and half her pants didn't fit, even those I'd bought on the big side, hoping to get two years out of them.  This is a dress from Land's End.  I think it's the fourth (possibly fifth) dress in this style I've purchased for her.  It's the "twirl" dress, and she loves them.  I love that they're long enough for modesty even when she's running around, they're durable, and they last.  I keep thinking I need to find a pattern with this style, but with the clearance sales at LE, I can usually get them for a pretty decent price.   I can't remember the last time she wore matching socks.  My sister and her family have moved into the little house, and it's such fun to watch the kids all walk to the bus together! 

WIP Wednesday

Needs Binding: High Fashion WIPs: Farmer's Wife (LONG term project! - 20 blocks completed) Craftsy QAYG quilt (three of twelve completed) Vintage Modern Scrappy Avalon BOM 2 (12 of 12 blocks completed, sashing almost done) Fabulous Flowers Stardust  Scrappy Chevrons At the quilter: Vintage Modern BOM Ruby, Pearl and Opal Toes in the sand Impromptu Top Completed, waiting for quilting: Swoon Mosaic Lucky Pezzy Avalon BOM 1 Planning: Secret Garden (layer cake quilt) Madonna and Child Park Bench BOM Snowbird BOM

Now I remember.

Paper piecing is not the most efficient use of fabric... (But the add-a-quarter ruler is about the best thing ever for paper piecing.) Paper piecing results in a LOT of paper... Why I love working with batiks (They are beautiful! but they are also two sided so I avoid a bunch of those "I cut it backwards!" Moments while paper piecing.) Paper piecing can make some really cool quilts with really perfect points! The Stardust pattern by Tula Pink in progress. 

A different kind of productive weekend.

I didn't get any quilting done this weekend.  I did get this done, though, so totally worth it.

Simply Woven in Bella Solids

This project was my reminder (not that I really needed oneā€¦) that toddlers, quilts and scissors don't mix.  I went into my craft room one day to find a good half-dozen squares had been vandalized by a two year old.  Luckily, I had enough remnants (barely!!) to repair. And the end result is completely worth it!  This is another Moda Bakeshop Pattern, done in 1930's Bella Solids.  It's a generous twin size, and I love how it turned out.   There is an all-over swirl pattern for the quilting, in a light lavender/silver color.  The binding is the same as the dark purple in the quilt.  I used a 108 in wide backing in purple, so nothing overly exciting there, just quick and functional. This was another fun one to put together - you could just throw the blocks together any which way and it really worked. I think I'll probably list this one in my Etsy shop, unless my niece decides that she loves it.  My daughter's bed is too big fo...