Help with a decision??

First of all, I've decided to call this one a (mostly) finish: I was going to tear it apart to move the square up to where it "should" be, but upon thinking about it more (and, in all honestly, not wanting to do that much ripping!) I've decided I'm going to wait until this has a baby recipient to go to, and use leftover fabric to applique the name in the large blank area. My siblings are all pretty much done in the baby department, so it may be waiting for a while! In other developments, the nephew of one of our very dear Navy friends was in a very serious accident last fall. He's completely lost his vision in one eye, and although the overall prognosis is good, there are still a lot of obstacles for him to overcome. The family is having a fundraiser to help the parents, and I volunteered to provide a quilt. I have several finished ones around, and I'm trying to figure out which one would be the best one to give. First up is Colorful Reun...