November - on the downward side of 2020!

One can only hope that with 2020 on the way out, things will start to look up. We shall see! A few finishes here and there. The flag quilt was finally done. The elementary set isn't the greatest for holding up quilts, but they did their best! I love how this one turned out. The pattern was my own, and the customer loved it. Flag Quilt Commission Finished! I finished Grandma's wall hanging, unfortunately a little too late. She saw the top, and loved it. She fell into a quick decline shortly thereafter and passed away without ever seeing the final result. The finished quilt was displayed in her coffin, and my aunt asked that it be buried with her. I agreed. Grandma's Quilt - mostly finished This was a fun project! I took the color palate directly from my partner's feed, and I love how it turned out. Had some fun with the quilting and my partner was happy. #skinnystrippyswap This was...