WIP Monday

Made some updates to the list, to reflect some other projects that have jumped on there, mostly non-quilt projects. I had an itch to cut out some clothing, so I got a couple of pieces cut out. I finished a couple of tops, and have some dresses in progress. It's challenging going back to 3-D sewing, but it's also refreshing. Priorities for now: 1. Finish piecing Hexology - it shouldn't take long, I just need to get a chunk of time (although that's easier said than done) 2. Add the borders to Moda Love; that would get it off the piecing pile. 3. Finish piecing A New View; it's in the house so I should be working it when I have 10 minutes here and there, instead of trolling Reddit. 4. Finish piecing the Guild mystery quilt; see comment on #3! Once Natalie finishes her current quilt on the long-arm, I'll load up Rows of bricks. That should be another quick finish (and one more thing to add to the binding pile...) Had a little fun with the custom qui...