Weekly WIP and Life in General

Part of me is just starting to wonder if I just need to accept the fact that for the next 10 years, my quilt production is not going to be what I would like. Because in 10 years, my son will graduate from high school, and my plan is to go to part-time work, and MAYBE then I will have some free time. It doesn't seem to be happening now! I'm getting some stuff done. I started another memory quilt commission project. Not sure how quickly I can get it put together - not as many t-shirts, and some odd sizes, so I am going to have to work to get it to look cohesive. We shall see. I started the cutting on Quill. I'm a bit puzzled by the size of some of the pieces in the kit. It seems like too much of some and not enough of others. Hopefully it will all work out! I got Shenandoah on the long-arm, with Winter Garden soon to follow. Simple straight lines on the former. I had a small spool of variegated thread from Superior...