Charity Quilt Finish!

Another charity quilt is quilted, bound, and donated! This was made by Diana Vaclovick of Sweeny, TX, and sent to the amazing Jo Kramer of Jo's Country Junction. Jo sent it on to me for quilting, and my lovely fellow guildmates in the Kountry Quilters of Wellman bound it. I did a simple loop design, which is good for a beginner like me and makes for a nice soft quilt for a child. Perfect for this kid-sized, kid-friendly fabric! A fun and colorful quilt! Here it is on display at the auction - it was sold to help support Feed the Kids, and organization that supplies backpacks of food for kids in need each Friday, so they have enough food to get them through the weekend. It brought enough to fill a backpack every week for the entire year for one child! I'm sure the recipient will like it as much as my little nephew/model - he thought it was the perfect size for him!